Botanical Survey & Inventory

Taxon — Taxonomical diagrams

  • Research & presentation tool
  • Create your own taxonomical diagram
  • Powerful topological editor with many options
  • Seed diagram with taxonomical data from file
  • Create phylograms
  • Extensive help
  • Aide en fran�ais

Download a free light version for Microsoft Windows (1300 KB).

ArcCiel — Colour Table Management

  • Display colour tables stored in files
  • Edit your own colour table
  • Convert image to colour table
  • Search for similar colours
  • Interpolate colours
  • Sort colour table
  • Extensive help

Download a free light version for Microsoft Windows (100 KB).

PolyReg — Polynomial Regression on Measurement Data

  • Display measured xy data
  • Fit polynomial to data
  • Interpolate new data
  • View alternative polynomials
  • Extensive help

Download a free version for Microsoft Windows (40 KB).
T�l�chargez la version fran�aise.